Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are based out of Annapolis, Maryland.

Do you have a storefront?

We currently do not have a storefront, but in 2024, we will be doing and hosting popups and do have plans to open a storefront in the near future!

Do you accept Brand Ambassadors?

YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES! We LOVE Brand Ambassadors! If you are interested in becoming a My Sweet Boutique Brand Ambassador, please email us (shopmysweetboutique@gmail.com) or DM us on Instagram! Click on our Instagram link down below.

Brand Ambassadors must have a minimum of 5k on Instagram and TikTok.

Can we become a Stylist for My Sweet Boutique?

Yes! My Sweet Boutique offers a fun program for the entrepreneurial babes who want to own their mini My Sweet Boutique store where you can host popups and sell your items!

Can you tell me more about your Stylist program?

If you are interested in becoming one of our Stylists, this question is for you.

To become a stylist, you have to select one of three packages.

Whimsy Newbie: $175 plus tax

1 pack (1 small, 1, medium, 1 large) of our clothing

2 accessories

Whimsy Boss: $525

3 packs of (2 small, 2 medium, 2 large) of our clothing

3 accessories

A sweet surprise

Whimsy Queen: $975

5 packs of (2 small, 2 medium, 2 large) of our clothing

5 accessories

2 spelled oils from Sage & Rosé


Small assortment of crystals

Clothing rack for your items

Once you have selected your package, you will then receive an email regarding your purchase so that we can get to know you, your style, your aesthetic, your vibe so we can select the correct pieces for your store! Once we have those details, we prepare and ship your items. Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipping.

Once your items arrive to you, you can host your very first pop up! Share your new business and make some money!! When you run out of items, you can purchase packs wholesale through us to restock!

Soon, you will have your very own login portal where you can manage your own storefront through us!

What is a pop up?

Good question! A pop up is where you can rent out a spot at a cute store near you, a booth, a table, host an event at your own home! With pop ups, this is where you sell your pieces for full price and keep the funds!